Manufacturing Process

At our Hose store, at all times any possibility of impact damage and/or hose cover abrasion is avoided.
When stored in coil form, coil is maintained at as large a size as possible and storage area is free from any chance of damage.
Conditions maintained at Hose storage area:
- Temperature is maintained between 0 - 35ยบ C (Preferably 15ยบ C).
- Humidity is maintained below 65%.
- Protection from sun light, ozone, oil, solvents, greases.
- Protection from sources of heat, electric & magnetic fields.

Mechanized handling of hose helps in ensuring that hose is not damaged during handling and storage.

Contamination inside the Hose Assembly cause over 75% hydraulic failure.
Contamination may result from
- Residual oil/grease
- Dust particles of metal/rubber
- Entry of foreign particles during storage
- Unfiltered oil, Particles in the tank
- Abrasion wear of system components
Action for cleanliness is vital for smooth functioning and longer service life.